INOVA+, together with 10 national entities and 45 European partners, will invest 25 million euros to reinforce and accelerate the transformation and adaptation of 12 regions of the European Union vulnerable to climate change. Funding was obtained through the application developed by INOVA+ and approved within the scope of the climate resilience projects of the Horizon Europe program of the European Commission.

Under the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, the RESIST project – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology, was one of the two climate resilience projects approved, with a value of 25 million euros for, over five years, to deploy four large-scale demonstrators in four initial regions including the Central Region of Portugal, Catalunha, South East Finland and Central Region Denmark.

The results obtained by these first demonstrators will be transferred to eight new regions, including Baixo Alentejo, through innovative immersive, face-to-face and digital activities.

The European consortium that will implement the project is made up of 56 partners, including 11 Portuguese entities, who will be responsible for managing around 5 million euros of the total project.

The national consortium is part of INOVA+, as well as the Central Region Coordination Commission (CCDR-C), Intermunicipal Community of the Coimbra Region, Intermunicipal Community of the Médio-Tejo Region, BLC3 Association, Forestwise, MédioTejo 21 Agency, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo, ITECONS and CEDES.

Among the 56 European partners in the consortium are European associations, research groups on climate change, innovation agencies, communication organizations and a venture capital fund, so that the resulting innovative solutions can be validated and leveraged among citizens, promoting the dissemination and sustainable exploitation of the results for the market.

RESIST aims to contribute to the European Agenda for Combating Climate Change, namely through three main lines of action. The first of these axes comprises the promotion and demonstration of an innovative and more participatory approach to resilience and adaptation to Climate Change in 12 European regions, in four demonstration regions and eight twinning regions. The second axis consists of the development of new regional measures, political instruments and social and technological solutions in 12 regions involving 22 million citizens. It is intended to increase the resilience of regions by 10% and green investment levels by 20%, reducing economic losses due to hazards such as floods by 14% and lack of climate protection by 50%. Finally, it intends to reduce the time to market and the risk for 100 new solutions to Combat Climate Change, from European suppliers, allowing the scale of its products.Client:

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