Portefólio de Projetos R&I Horizonte Europa A-AAgoraBlueprint for Atlantic-Artic Agora on cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience through transformative innovationMais informação RESISTRegions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and TechnologyMais informação AlgaePro BANOSAccelerating algae product developments in Baltic and North SeaMais informação MountResilienceAccelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regionsMais informação FLOWAtmospheric Flow, Loads and p0wer for wind energyMais informação CODECOCognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud OrchestrationMais informação DaWetRestDanube Wetlands and flood plains Restoration through systemic, community engaged and sustainable innovative actionsMais informação EFACAEnvironmentally Friendly Aviation for all Classes of AircraftMais informação CIVITAS MUSEMobility for Urban Sustainability and Environment CIVITAS 2030 Coordination and Support Action: Sustainable and Smart Mobility for AllMais informação ExtendednEXT gEneration of multifunctional, modular and scalabIE soliD state batteries systemsMais informação CircularInvestPowering access to investment for next generation circular economy initiatives in cities and regionsMais informação ProBleuPromoting ocean and water literacy in school communitiesMais informação SPINMATEScalable and Sustainable Pilot Line based on Innovative Manufacturing Technologies towards the Industrialization of Solid-state Batteries for the Automotive SectorMais informação Science MultiverseScience Multiverse – Meet the heroes of the research cosmosMais informação Horizonte 2020 AfriConEUThe first Trans-Continental Networking Academy for Africa and European Digital Innovations HubsMais informação Better FactoryGrow your manufacturing businessMais informação STARTS PrizeSTARTS Prize 2021-2023Mais informação PAREPerspectives for the Aeronautical Research in EuropeMais informação OPTIMASTEELOptimum working conditions for ageing workers in Steel industryMais informação VERTIGOAdding socio-economic value to industry through the integration of artists in research and open innovation processMais informação CIVITAS ELEVATECIVITAS ELEVATE – CIVITAS 202 Coordination and Support ActionMais informação SmartAgrilHubsConnecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sectorMais informação NORTEXCEL2020Creating a Centre of Excellence on Medical Devices in the Norte Region to boost RDI excellenceMais informação ScienceScoveryEuropean Researchers’ Night – Travelling Through the scientific hub of the north of PortugalMais informação ePlus EcosystemFostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneursMais informação LEALearning Technology AcceleratorMais informação PROPEIPAHACoordination, Support and Promotion activities in favour of EIPAHAMais informação ScienceWarsMay Science be with you!Mais informação Z-BRE4KStrategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of FactoriesMais informação STARTS EcosystemSupport to STARTS Community and Lighthouse Projects through the creation of an ecosystem for hybrid talentMais informação Z-Fact0rZero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factoriesMais informação AFE-INNOVNETThematic Network Innovation for age-friendly environments in the European UnionMais informação Programas-Quadro Anteriores C4BICities for Business Innovation – Network of Urban ProcurersMais informação COncORDEDevelopment of Coordination Mechanisms During different Kinds of EmergenciesMais informação IMAILEInnovative Methods for Award procedures of ICT learning in EuropeMais informação Science City MissionBuilding the future of young researcher’s through fun creativity and scientific experimentsMais informação FLY HIGHERShaping the new evolving generation of aeronautic professionalsMais informação CIVITAS WIKICoordination, dissemination and evaluation of CIVITAS Plus IIMais informação AgeingWellNetwork for the Market uptake of ICT for Ageing WellMais informação ScientistsAcrossPT09Bridging the Gap: Discovering real-life Scientists across Portugal 2009Mais informação BeingEnergyIntegrated low temperature methanol steam reforming and high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cellMais informação ChemicircusScience Outreach through Contemporary Circus: a fun far-fetched circus of chemistryMais informação CASIPublic Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable InnovationMais informação NET-EUCENNetwork of European Stakeholders for Enhancing User Centricity in e GovernanceMais informação ScientistsAcrossPortugalClosing the Gaps between Researchers and the Large PublicMais informação IRISTowards Natural Interaction and CommunicationMais informação AgriFoodResultsEuropean Initiative for a better use of the results of agri-food researchMais informação MULTICULTI SCIENCEClosing the Gaps between Researchers and the Large PublicMais informação TRI-VALUEEx-post evaluation of Transport Research and Innovation in the FP7 “cooperation” ProgrammeMais informação Star-Net TransportEuropean Network to support the sustainable surface transport SMEsMais informação FORCEFOResight Coordination for EuropeMais informação GPrixGood Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economyMais informação SecureCHAINSIntegration of Security Technology Supply Chains and Identification of weaknesses and untapped potentialMais informação NET-SHARENetwork of ICT experienced organisations, sharing experiences, knowledge and supporting SMEsMais informação SciCultureCitizensResearcher’s Gallery: Where science meets Culture and CitizensMais informação TURBLOG_VWTURBLOG_VWTransferability of urban logistic concepts and practices from a world wide perspectiveMais informação MARKET-UPTransport Research Market UptakeMais informação PRESS4TRANSPORTVirtual Press Office to improve EU Sustainable Surface Transport research media visibility on a national and regional levelMais informação EcoScienceCircusScience and Sustainable Development Outreach through Contemporary circus; highlighting the fun of ResearchMais informação TECH-CLINIC SSTSetting-up of effective technology clinics to address real knowledge needs of surface transport industryMais informação PROMISLinguaPeRformance Operational and Multilingual Interactive Services to support Compliance for SMEs in EuropeMais informação